Human rights define our quality and way of life. We must remain alert and committed to making them a reality for all people in the world. In order to do so, we must first understand what basic human rights are as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In 1948 the United Nations wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that established international standards to help nations educate their citizens about the rights and freedoms they are entitled to in their daily lives.
Despite this effort to guarantee universal rights for all human beings, human rights violations still occur around the world. Today, the challenge for all of us is to fulfill the promise of the Universal Declaration for our generation and tomorrow's.
Basic Human Rights for All..
The promise of the Declaration depends on the committment of individuals, communities and countries to forge a common understanding of human rights among governments and their citizens to reaffirm these values of human dignity and equality for generations to come.The United Nations bureau of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) oversees human rights globally. Its mission is to protect the human rights of all people, educate all people about their rights, and help governments achieve basic human rights for all.
Every country in the world is in violation of at least some Article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, so in addition to the OHCHR, many other organizations take action to protest the governments of countries that are violating International Human Rights Law.