
Never Put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn how to Use Enemies

A close friend can betray you more quickly. This is because they are easily aroused to envy and jealousy over the success of their partner.

Why you must be careful of your friends:

1) Friends can become spoiled and tyrannical.
This first reason is very real. Your friend knows you in and out. He knows about your past, about your today and also believes in your tomorrow even though he doesn’t portray the opposite. They can become spoiled easily. The bond between both of you could be adulterated either through material gains and pleasures of life. When a man is murdered, check it very well, the close friend may know something about that death if not every thing. Where was your friend when something really terrible happened? He is supposed to be there for you. A real friend is definitely more than a bad brother. Yes, he is.

Friends can make or mar your life forever. Putting too much trust on them will result in a state of pride and tyranny on their part. They would come to the conclusion that without them, you will not survive. No, we are only there to uphold each other. Two can do it better than one person that is why we became friends in the first instance.

2) Your former enemy can do it better.
Hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend. This is because he has more to prove. Your deadliest enemy is not even your enemy per say, but your closest friend. They knows where you spend the weekend every Friday, they know what your favorite meal is. Your enemy doesn’t know. How would they get at you? But through a close companion; your best friend. In fact, you have more to fear from your friends than from your enemies. If you have no enemy, find a way to make them. They can cook your meals without evil thoughts, because they know that they are at the mercy of the law and conscience of men.
How to Know a Good friend

When you say you have a friend, then he must know about your past failures, mistakes and agony and accept them as they are. He can’t change them, but he can live with them. He must also accept your endeavors for today knowing fully well that tomorrow would be better. And lastly, he must believe in your future plans, ambition. Though their may not be same as yours, but nevertheless, he must approve of it. He will show you the good side of every pain you’re going through. This is who a friend is and that is what you should go for. If you already have a friend or friends and they do not align to this paragraph, first: rapport with them on the need for goal agreement. Secondly, ask for their consent. If they refuse any of these, learn to do a way with them and look for another. Being alone is worse than having bad friends. Learn to make good friends. Life is all about choice. But if you must choose a friend, choose the best. See you at the top.
Keep friends - make money too
Keep friends - make money too ok?

The Importance of Working Together With Your Team

The principle of working together with your team should underpin how you operate. Managing people doesn't just mean acting as overseer, to see that they get their work done satisfactorily. It means involving people throughout the team in a creative role, to ensure that together you are all able to succeed.
Involving people on broad issues is motivational. Never underestimate people. Their views can enhance everything: methods, standards, processes and overall effectiveness.
Remember, managers are not paid to have all the ideas that are necessary to keep their section working well in a changing world, but they are paid to make sure that there are enough ideas to make things work and go on working.
Use your people and make it clear to them that you want and value their contributions.


Why Is Time Management Important? Here Are 9 Quick Reasons

It is interesting to see there are some people who would still ask – Why is time management important?
As if the benefits aren’t obvious enough. Or I reckon they probably have not tried time management hence the benefits never occurred to them. For those who are here and wonder why is time management so important, then I hope these quick answers will get you on the right track and start managing your time more purposefully.

1. Helps You Prioritize
Well, time management is important because it helps you prioritize your work. Once you have a list of things you need to tackle, you need to see what you should do first. What are those that are important and time sensitive. That way, you set out to do those first.
2. Get More Done In Less Time
The other reason why time management is important is that you will get more done in less time. When you plan your time, you will see the amount of work that needs to be tackled. That puts into context how much time you need. Inevitably, you will know not to laze your time away.
3. More Quality Work
When you plan your time you are making wise investment of a very limited resource – time. Knowing what to work on, when and how much time you have to finish the work makes you more focused. That focus on the work ensures that you get more quality work out. 

4. Keeps Things In Context
Sometimes you may hear people complaining that there is no balance in their lives.
Ever wondered maybe the reason is that they do not know how to manage their time? A possibility, maybe. One reason why is time management important is that it can put things into context for you.
If you see the list of work you have and the things you need to do, then you will be forced to make tough decisions. Especially on what to spend your time on and how to spend your time.

5. Forces You To Do Things You Do Not Like
This is one of my personal favorites. Why is time management important? Simple, when you write down what you need to do – it is there staring at you. You are forced to tackle it. To me it is a target I have given myself and so I must live up to the challenge regardless of how much I hate doing it.
6. Keeps You On Track
Whether it is a daily work list or a long-term career plan – time management keeps you on track. With your goals stated and time allocated, the likelihood of you staying within the boundaries you have given yourself is higher. Of course, do not be your own jury and judge. That means do not give yourself excuses when you start to procrastinate.
7. Making Sure You Deliver What’s Promised
How would you deliver what you promised on time if you do not manage your time? Have you always disappointed your colleagues on the delivery of your part of the project? Perhaps you aren’t doing well with time management. Making sure you deliver what’s promised should be reason enough why is time management important.
8. Time Is Limited
There is a Chinese proverb that loosely translates this saying ‘no amount of gold can buy you time.’ Time ticks away regardless you like it or not. Why is time management important? Because time is limited. Once lost, you cannot gain it back.
9. Helps Discipline Ourselves
Time management is a huge part of managing yourself. If you cannot manage time and won’t manage your limited resources, how do you plan to achieve your goals? I find that learning to manage time helps to discipline yourself.
By now you should get a fairly good idea why is time management important. Once you start you will immediately feel its benefits. That will keep you going.